Are your goals getting you closer to the life of your dreams, or are they just a distraction? 
There are lots of worthy goals – starting a business, losing weight, finding the love of your life, learning guitar – but unless a goal is aligned with what makes you come alive (aka your purpose), the results will be disappointing at best. 

Purpose    Design



A 5-week challenge to help you clarify your why & lay the foundation for a more aligned, fulfilling, and impactful 2025.

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My own quest for purpose is exactly what led me to human design 8 years ago...

I eventually found the answers I was looking for in my chart, but it took years of studying – and, more importantly, living – my design to get there. 

This system can be quite overwhelming. An individual’s chart is incredibly nuanced and complex (with good reason!). Like any good treasure map, the gold is hidden in plain sight, but you have to know where to look.

That's where I come in.  

In Purpose by Design, I will guide you on your personal treasure hunt. Together, we will translate your chart into a one-of-a-kind purpose statement and use it to inform more aligned goals for your relationships, work, and well-being in 2025. 

On the one hand, it felt like a blank canvas. A fresh start. Filled with potential.

On the other hand, it felt incredibly intimidating. It was just a date...and yet, I felt so much pressure to initiate an entire life overhaul. 

This often led me to commit to goals that sounded impressive,  based on my friends' resolutions or a cute instagram post I'd seen.
But in reality, I didn't feel connected to the goals - or the outcome. 

So, even if I achieved said goal, it failed to deliver the satisfaction or joy I was craving as a generator. 

The problem, I discovered, was that these goals were all style and no substance. They were just shiny pennies. 

Once I started crafting goals with the intention of getting one step closer to embodying my unique purpose...everything changed. 

And as we embark on a new year, I want to teach you my purpose formula so you too can set goals that will make you come alive.  

I used to have mixed feelings about starting a new year...

A commitment to your future self in the form of a detailed action plan around how to infuse your relationships, career, and lifestyle with more of your purpose energy. 

A personalized purpose statement that encapsulates how you’re designed to live out your Incarnation Cross in the most aligned way. 

A 40+ page workbook featuring daily exercises and prompts to help you apply the framework to your own human design chart and experiment with it daily. 

A weekly masterclass video sent directly to your inbox in which I will teach you a part of my purpose framework (all through the lens of human design, of course).  

What to expect?

Two live Q&A calls with yours truly where I will answer questions, help you troubleshoot, and provide ample IRL examples.  

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Yvette v.

"The way Alexandra shares HD knowledge with her creative mind, accuracy and unique way of making it practical and understandable in my day-to-day live is one of a kind. Everything she shares is valuable and it often makes me smile: Yep that's me!"

You’re having trouble identifying your gifts or finding ways to integrate them into your relationships, career, or lifestyle

You are at a crossroads and looking to clarity around what path is most aligned for you

You’re ready to find out what might happen when you go all in on your human design experiment, but need a little help and accountability to do so

You understand your chart basics, but are desperate to go deeper and discover what your chart can teach you about the plot line of your life

The purpose by Design challenge is for you if: 

You have big things you want to achieve in 2025, but need help breaking them down into actionable (achievable) steps 

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You've struggled to follow through on new year's resolutions or goals in the past, because you lost interest or motivation 

Like everything I do, this challenge is focused on making it as easy and enjoyable as possible to apply the insights in your human design chart.

I’ve broken down my purpose framework into small bite-size pieces that you will be learning and experimenting with each week. 

While most of the work will be done individually, we will have two group calls where I hope many of you join to ask questions, share your wins, and explore real life examples of what it looks like to live out your purpose by design. 

our roadmap

week 3

Decipher your Incarnation Cross based on the four gates it's composed of

week 2

Learn to identify & integrate "Alignment Triggers" based on your energy type

week 1

Discover how to define purpose through the lens of human design

week 5

Craft your purpose statement and refine your 2025 relationship, career, and lifestyle goals

week 4

Embody your cross in the way only you can, based on your profile lines

Meet your human design guide

Hi, I'm Alexandra Cole.

My own incarnation cross is the Left Angle Cross of Revolution, which is made up of gates 4, 49, 8, and 14. My interpretation of this cross - and the way I'm designed to embody it - is that my purpose is to bring about "practical revolutions". It's about facilitating big shifts in the way people see or do things that are substantiated by data, social proof, and/or personal experience. 

You may recognize this sentiment in the way I translate and teach human design... 

That's because I've learned to use my cross as a benchmark for how aligned (or misaligned) I am. It's given me the clarity and confidence to infuse every aspect of my life - from my career, to my relationships, and my parenting - with my own one-of-a-kind energy and gifts. 

And it would be the greatest honor to help you do the same!

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Let's make 2025 your most purpose-filled year yet!

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© Alexandra Cole, 2021. All rights reserved. | Legal | Design by TONIC | Customization by Kleist Creative

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