What if you were so confident in who you are and what gifts you’re here to share that you could let go of all the “shoulds”? What if you had a roadmap for optimizing your relationships, career, habits and lifestyle? It sounds too good to be true, but it isn’t. 

What if you had a blueprint for living out your purpose in the most effortless & impactful way?

show me

as seen in

tell me more

Your human design chart gives you insight into how you’ve been designed to invest your energy, express yourself, connect with others, make decisions, and live out your unique purpose in the most effective and easeful way. 

why human design?

Human design can help you become more unapologetically and wholeheartedly you.

choose your CURRENT life focus





Discover what you're made for so you can live out your purpose with more confidence and clarity.

Develop a deeper understanding of how you and your family are designed to thrive.

Craft a more aligned and fulfilling career that plays to your individual strengths. 

Explore the habits, diet, movement, and lifestyle practices that are most supportive and "healthy" for you

After a decade of helping Fortune 500s identify and articulate their “why”, I decided to help individuals, families and couples do the same with the help of human design.
I’m passionate about giving people practical tools and strategies, so they can create and live magical lives. 

about me

Think of me as a translator. I can help you make sense of your human design chart and offer actionable advice on how to apply this knowledge to find more ease, fulfillment and joy in your everyday life.


"She is a firehouse of brilliant insight that will make anybody feel seen, understood, and empowered to walk in their unique design."

“I know I will look back on my Human Design reading with Alexandra as a game-changer for my life and career. I instantly referred people in my life to get a reading from her, as I know she will add significant value to their life journey.”

"It feels like I've been given a manual to myself and that I am truly empowered to become the most vibrant and happy version I can possibly be!”

"I have been learning more about Human Design on my own and through online courses and decided it would be fun to actually try a reading. I am STILL gleaning insights from my session (I've listened to the recording of my session several times already this week)."

"The depth alexandra added to my knowledge of my chart is such a gift."

"My reading with Alexandra was thoughtful and expansive and covered every aspect of my chart. She also provided deeper insights around properties I expressed special interest in. She has a profound understanding of Human Design and I really recommend her."

"Alexandra made me comfortable participating in the reading (I'm a chatty MG!) instead of merely delivering information to me."

"Her expertise really shined in applying the concepts in my chart to my specific challenges, wants, needs (I don't really have goals, and learned that's OK!), with real-life examples and suggestions that really resonated."

"it was absolutely all new, eye-opening information, and connected so many dots."

"It went to a deeper level, getting the info in an engaging discussion about my own life, rather than when I was trying to apply more abstract concepts from different websites to my daily experience. I felt release from many old patterns and behaviors that I knew somewhere inside don’t serve me, but didn’t have the language to describe to myself — bringing me to tears a couple times (and I’m not a crier!)"

learn more

Live Your Design is a digital membership & community for people who
are ready to move beyond the theory of human design and discover
what’s possible when you put this information into practice.

Are you ready to
stop learning about
your design &
start embodying it?


New to human design? Learn about your type’s superpowers, common struggles, self care tips and more.


Discover what your chart can teach you about how you're designed to rest, move, eat and support your well-being.


© Alexandra Cole, 2021. All rights reserved. | Legal | Design by TONIC | Customization by Kleist Creative

get your chart

Get Your Free Human Design Chart

it all starts right here

We can link this to the section that has "get your chart!" -- let's put a little blurb here though.